Gull blogs
10.3.2025 Doniños
Con algo de sol y poco viento, me di un paseo por Doniños, cada vez hay más
insectos (poco a poco), pero aun no salió el 'Campanu alado'...
Zampullín chico ...
8 hours ago
February 2025 Monthly Notables
- *Ross's Gull* (adult). Ford County, Kansas. 01 February 2025.
- Continuing 2nd state record. Found dead on 05 February 2025.
1 week ago
*Biometrics and movements of Redwings ringed in Grampian 1989 – 2024*
*(Innes Sim)*
Grampian Ringing Group ringed 701 Redwings between 1989 and 2024,...
2 months ago
Hace tiempo que no le dedicaba una entrada a la RAM (Red de
observación de Aves y Mamíferos marinos), pero en esta ocasión me ha
parecido interesa...
2 months ago
Article published: Suspended and delayed primary moult in breeding European
Herring Gulls in the Dutch colony of IJmuiden Forteiland – Caluta October
I’m happy to see my first ever article published (in Caluta, October 2024)
about suspended and delayed primary moult in adult Dutch Herring Gulls.
This jou...
4 months ago
Ginger Jackdaw Coloeus monedula
Everything but a redhead.
8 months ago
I’d know you anywhere
I was working in the yard a lot the past few days, and all the pollen and
dust I kicked up seems to have aggravated one of my tonsils, that now rolls
in it...
8 months ago
Probable gaviota siberiana oriental (Larus vegae) en Cantabria
El pasado día 7 de febrero de 2021, Gonzalo Pardo observó sorprendido esta
gaviota. Solo pudo hacerle unas pocas fotos posada antes de que levantara
el v...
4 years ago
Gråmåke - Larus argentatus. Mandals området september 2009 - september 2012
J1118 ble pullusmerket på Storøytåa, Lindesnes 25. juni 2009.
Over: 1cy, Gismerøya, Lindesnes 27. september 2009
Over: 1cy, Gismerøya, Lindesnes 24. okto...
5 years ago
Gaviota cana con anilla sueca en Madrid
El pasado sábado 07 de diciembre pudimos observar en el vertedero de Pinto
una gaviota cana con anilla metálica en el tarso derecho. En esa ocasión,
no l...
5 years ago
Glaucous Gull (Larus hyperboreus), 3cy, 18.01.2020, Grenå Harbour
Together with a 1cy Caspian Gull (*Larus cachinnans*).
5 years ago
Lørdag 30. mars 2019
Jeg avsluttet forrige innlegg med at "Det verste som kommer til å skje i
slutten av mars er et isen blir borte." Det har ikke slått h...
5 years ago
Lamenting the Black-headed Gulls of St.John's
Black-headed Gull is a nice bird to see in North America. Though, not
outstandingly rare, it is appreciated wherever it turns up. While it is an
extremely ...
6 years ago
Winter 2017/2018: Costa del Sol
*English below*
De Spaanse Costa del Sol staat bekend als strandbestemming. Behalve bij
mensen is ook bij kleine mantelmeeuwen deze bestemming heel popul...
7 years ago
Black-headed Gull - Black 2AXV
In October last year, Gary recorded a colour-ringed first-winter bird at
Peoples Park, Ballymena (see here).
*2AXV* at Peoples Park, October 2016
Photo by...
7 years ago
Gaivota-de-patas-amarelas / Yellow-legged Gull / Larus michahellis
Gaivota-de-patas-amarelas (*Larus michahellis) *ZC2J anilhada por Arcea,
Xestion de Recursos Naturais s.l. na...
8 years ago
Primeira Libeliña afín
Hoxe vín a primeira *Aeshna affinis *da tempada en Esmelle. Un pouquiño
regato arriba da poboación que hai no río no seu tramo final, xa nas dunas.
É un ma...
8 years ago
Some stuff from Baja
Here are some images from Baja California, taken on a recent trip there.
Most of the time was spent taking pictures of large gulls (mainly
Yellow-footed) ...
8 years ago
Persona 3 the Movie 3: Falling Down (2015)
Full Streaming Persona 3 the Movie 3: Falling Down in Top QualityNow you
can download full Persona 3 the Movie 3: Falling Down in top quality with
9 years ago
Colour-ringed 1st Winter Gull
This morning, 26 Oct 2015, Herakleion Harbour. CR1K white. Most probably
1st winter Baltic Gull.
9 years ago
Blog Update - Alderney Bird News
Regular visitors to this blog will realise that the postings have slowed
down since August 2015. This is largely because I have moved up to
Alderney, the ...
9 years ago
ROJO YAH2 (Serbia)
Anillada como pollo el 5.6.2011 en el lago Palic´, Serbia ( A.Žuljević &
T.O. Mérő).
En su primer invierno, ya visitó Porto do Son. En la primavera d...
9 years ago
1st portuguese record of Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis
The 1st portuguese record of Steppe Eagle *Aquila nipalensis* was made at
Ponta da erva, Lisboa 08.07.2015 by Pedro Fernandes and Samantha Zaza, and
4 days...
9 years ago
Larus fuscus fuscus. 2cy.
A nice 2cy in July. Note the primary moult and feather replacement.
9 years ago
March 8th 2015
It was a promising day with lots of gulls feeding on the tip. Our biggest
problem was relatively small team of only 6 of us..
We had first catch very fast...
9 years ago
2w. Yellow-legged gull (L. michahellis). 09-11-14
2w. Yellow-legged gull (L. michahellis). 09-11-14
This individual shows a few Caspian gull (L. cachinnans) features. The
plain cobert design and the white...
10 years ago
Welcome back LBBG!
The spring is finally here and the first Lesser black-backed gulls (*Larus
fuscus*) have started to return to their breeding areas. Also the
roof-nesting ...
10 years ago
I know what you tagged last summer…
It’s been a few weeks now since I made it back from a winter trip to Sable…
but first here’s a little catchup on our August trip in 2013. Continuing
with h...
11 years ago
2cy Lesser Black-backed Gulls 2013!
27. May this year a 2cy LBBG sat on the pier on Langvannet. A 2cy LBBG in
Oslo is in itself quite good! Little did I know that this would be an
11 years ago
First juvenile Dutch Herring
Last week, a short trip to the coast resulted in the reading of my first
juvenile c-ringed Herring gull of tis year. When I saw the code I
immediately reco...
11 years ago
Adult Caspian Gulls (2)
Recently down on the North Tees Marshes there has been numerous *Caspian
Gulls* of varying ages, with 1st and 2nd winters being most prevalent over
a serie...
12 years ago
Mew Gull Miracle
Yesterday I briefly viewed a adult Mew Gull at the Sault Ste. Marie
I was very distressed not to have gotten even a record shot. I returned
12 years ago
1cy Herring x Caspian hybrid
Yesterday I visited Simrishamn, a great place for gulling in Sweden. Except
for four Yellow-legged Gulls I also saw a Herring x Caspian Gull hybrid. I
13 years ago
Herring Gull, Barneveld - Landfill
Pictures of a contrastingly patterned argentatus from Estland. Note the
missing p1 in the left wing. A few inner greater coverts and upper tertials
are re...
13 years ago
Trutar i januari
Adult michahellis, Simrishamn, 110118, Jörgen Bernsmo
Att kolla trutar vintertid brukar inte alltid vara så givande om man är ute
efter de två sydliga spec...
14 years ago